ROOFBB (Royal Order of Full Blown B......)
What's In A Name?
How did ROOFBB get its name? Many, many years ago, friends were engrossed in a conversation that consisted mainly of a lot of complaining about every day matters. One of the ladies in the group made the comment, "All we ever do is B...., B...., B....! We should start our own club..."
And the rest, as they say, is history.
In April of 1994 ROOFBB made its debut, with no particular aim, goal or purpose other than to raise funds. Had we known then what we know now, we might have considered a different name. However, what started out as a joke has transformed into one of the largest and hardest working groups in Pine Mountain Lake. And one of the first things we all agreed on was that we wanted a definite purpose. We are now a philanthropic group (501c-3) just about 70 members strong.
We are business owners, wives, mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers, and so much more! We are respected citizens of the community. We hold significant positions in the workplace. We like to golf, hike, ride bikes, and getting together to have some fun. But, what we all enjoy most of all and get the greatest satisfaction from is helping those in need. To see the smile on the face of a hungry child, to help the local schools Tenaya & Tioga, to help a family keep a roof over their heads for at least another month is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a joke.
To those of you who are offended by our name, we apologize. To those of you who are amused, we applaud your sense of humor. Each and every member is extremely proud of all we have accomplished and who we are. After all, what is in a name?
Join Us! ROOFBB want YOU. Become a member of a hard-working and fun group that knows how to raise $$ to help support our community and have fun doing it! Since 1994 the ROOFBBs have contributed over $350,000 to our local community!
To join please call Audrey Prouse, Club President
at 1-209-396-5266 or email us at
Current Board Members:
Audrey Prouse - President
Linda Bratcher - Vice President
Suzy Reinhold- Secretary
Annie Peterson - Treasurer
Johanna Richter - Event Planner
Melissa Stewart - Marketing & Communication
Sharon Newell- Fundraising Coordinator