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Downtown Beautification

Yosemite Chamber/GCSD in Collaboration with Clean CA/CalTrans

In 2022, the Yosemite Hwy 120 Chamber of Commerce partnered with Groveland Community Services District  (GCSD) to apply for Clean CA grant funds to beautify the Main Street/Highway 120 corridor in downtown Groveland. The grant was approved and the project delivered in 2024.

Continued funding is required to sustain the seasonal beauty of the hanging and standing planters and for waste management and upkeep of the bench areas. Even if you don't own a business, please join us as a Friend of the Chamber to help sustain the ongoing beauty of our historic gateway to Yosemite.


Waste and Recycling 

Local artists were commissioned to create artwork reflecting the history, culture, environment, and recreational experiences here along the Highway 120 corridor. Their unique and beautiful designs not only wrap six sets of solar-powered compacting waste and recycling receptacles, but are also available in the form of postcards and other merchandise to commemorate your Highway 120 adventure.


Meet the Artists and Read the Stories:

Shirley Horn  / Liquid Gold

Kayden Halcon / Birds of Prey

Sabre Design / Trail Riding

Dharma Barsotti / Me-Wuk Basketry

Hailey Reynolds / Mountain Leisure

STCHS / Groveland Then and Now


Mountain Biking Receptacles.JPG

Sit, Relax, Explore

Our community and our environment are made for walking (or hiking and climbing if you're so inclined). So sit a minute and enjoy the moment on one of our benches, custom-made in Sonora from reclaimed local wood. And when you've rejuvenated, carry on and explore the town using the Historic Groveland walking tour.


Visit the Southern Tuolumne County Historical Society Groveland Yosemite Gateway Museum and Download the Historic Groveland Walking Tour.



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Seasonal Flora

More than 65 hanging planters and two dozen standing planters are bursting with native flowers and foliage that bloom and flow with our Sierra seasons. The concrete planters, designed and produced by local Chamber member Romulus Development, were created to look and weather like granite with the characteristic gold vein running through each planter. Master gardeners and members of the Pine Mountain Lake Garden Club advise us and volunteers help us maintain these beautiful attractions to our downtown area.


Gold vein concrete planter.JPG

The Spirit of Partnership

The Yosemite | Highway 120 Chamber of Commerce is grateful to the many people and organizations whose partnerships and contributions helped turn the vision of a more appealing downtown into reality. These include:

Patricia Epp, Beautification Chair

Groveland Community Services District 

Visit Tuolumne County

Vicki Smith, Beautification Committee

Sparker Mejia and Jolenna Hamilton,       Romulus Development

Ron Percoco

Pine Mountain Lake Garden Club

Paul Epp, Architect

Peak Construction

Pine Needlers Guild

Horn Family Enterprises, LLC

Savage Diggins Motorcycle Club

Hetch Hetchy Water & Power Employees

and our local property owners, artists and craftsmen who helped us make the dream real.


Jolenna Hamilton waters hanging planter.JPG

Yosemite | Highway 120 Chamber of Commerce

A collective of businesses, nonprofits, government organizations, friends and neighbors that shape California's most direct, scenic and all-weather route into Yosemite National Park. 



PO Box 1263

Groveland, CA 95321

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© 2021 by Yosemite | HWY 120 Chamber of Commerce


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