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GCSD News - Sewer Project Construction

Writer's picture: Yosemite ChamberYosemite Chamber

by Roni Lynn Rudy

Is your email address up to date with the District? If not, PLEASE CALL


necessary, District staff will be notifying property owners prior to our

contractor working in your yard. Email is the best source of

correspondence, as time will not always allow for relying on USPS mail

delivery for ample notification.

It is important for property owners who are notified by the District of an

easement encroachment to respond to the notice and work with the District

as quickly as possible to create access for contractors to complete the

necessary improvements to the system. Those property owners affected by

the project will be contacted directly the GCSD Team.

Contractors will continue their work replacing portions of the sewer system

within the boundaries of Pine Mountain Lake and property owners will be

informed of the location of the construction. Visit and click

on the Sewer Construction tab for the most up to date notice.

During daytime work hours, Monday – Friday, you may experience periods

of construction and equipment noise, dust, traffic delays, and open

trenches. The contractor will be traveling to and from the construction areas

using the roads, GCSD sewer easements, and the public utility easements

as they perform their work. The sewer easements may pass through your

property, and the public utility easements are located on your front, back,

and side property lines. During their work, the contractor will attempt to

minimize disruption to your daily life and property. Before the work is

completed in your area, the contractor will return the easements and

construction areas to the same, or better, condition they were in before the



The District Team is excited to share successes in our Sewer Odor Action

Plan – as promised in the community meeting, we installed the “test” air scrubbers on several sewer lift stations and the initial resident feedback has been positive, therefore we are planning to permanently install lift station air scrubbers at the main lift station locations. The District engineer is currently evaluating options for covering an open sewage basin at the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) and we will have a recommendation and cost before the end of the year.

Learn more at by searching GCSD Sewer Odor Action Plan.


A recent 20% water use reduction has been mandated by the state, and is not due to a local shortage. Our water source, Hetch Hetchy has plenty of water. The water conserved by GCSD customers will stay in our system storage and be available next year as part of the District’s Water Supply Contingency Plan, should the drought continue.

We will implement the following conservation measures during Stage 2:

• Prohibit fire hydrant flow testing.

• Restaurants shall serve water only upon customer request.

• Hotels, motels, and lodges must offer guests the option of not having

towels and linens laundered daily by displaying notices prominently in each

guest room.

• Contact the highest water users to encourage use of water conservation


• Watering of lawns, gardens, and other outdoor vegetation by use of

irrigation systems, hoses, faucets or other outlets connected to the public

water supply is limited to three days a week. Landscape watering may be

restricted to outside of peak demand hours.

• Evaluate its water use for main flushing to see if reductions are possible.

The most crucial item is reducing the watering of lawns, gardens, etc. to

three days per week. Don’t let your garden die, but be water wise. For

example, collect shower water for plant use.

GCSD will not be actively enforcing the irrigation restrictions, but we will

respond to all reported leaks.


PHONE: 209.962.7161



Yosemite | Highway 120 Chamber of Commerce

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