Shirley Horn
Board Secretary & Treasurer

Shirley Horn is a retired senior executive with more than 40 years' experience in brand management, corporate and marketing communications, and external relations. Over the course of her career, she worked for organizations such as Hewlett-Packard, Agilent Technologies, the Almond Board of California (a federal marketing order), Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation (breast cancer research), and Softstrip International (a start-up technology joint venture based in London, England.)
Shirley retired in 2015 and in 2017, she co-founded Yoga Garden, a purpose-built wellness center in Los Barriles, Baja Sur, Mexico with her sister and brother-in-law. She currently serves as Yoga Garden's director of marketing.
Horn Family Enterprises LLC was established in 2019 for Horn's real estate investment ventures and her online/retail brands, Yoga Garden and Precious Survivors.
In 2020, Shirley co-founded Around The Horn Brewing Company in Groveland, CA with her daughter Rachel Horn Sabatine and son-in-law Andrew Sabatine. She occasionally provides professional advice and frequently enjoys drinking Andrew's beer.
Shirley currently serves as the Chamber's Board Secretary and Treasurer, and chairs the Membership & Nominations Committee. She has been a member of Groveland's Pine Cone Performers since 2016, serving as the group's choralographer and #1 groupie.
You can contact Shirley at